dimanche 6 mars 2016

Vampire Holmes

    In my opinion, the synopsis of Vampire Holmes gave me an idea of something that sounded promising. It was not even close to how it really was.

    The opening might seem promising, but hardly anything shown in it will be mentioned throughout the course of the story. Through about three quarters of the anime, there is absolutely no plot. For episodes on end, it only displays Holmes in his home together with Hudson, doing nothing of importance. You might find yourself continuously waiting for something plot-like to happen, and then the episode ends. Closing to the end, some things shown in the OP are finally displayed, but in the end are never explained. As a side-effect of not having any plot in the early, incredibly short episodes, the story ends on an unsatisfying note as they have never mentioned any of the elements before it happens. You're left with a vague and confusing case closed, left unexplained.

   The art is downright terrible. The animation is close to non-existent and does not flow well. It's fairly easy to tell that frames are being re-used, and frequently looks unfinished and thrown together, either because of a tight schedule, or pure laziness. The backgrounds are nothing to brag about either, as they are overly simple and at times have varying art styles clashing with the style of the characters and the mood of the scene. The art is overall very lazily executed. The opening has better visuals than the rest.

      I took no note of the work of the voice actors. Watching a car crash, it's hard to notice the surroundings. The opening (and ending) song called Everlasting Love was around average, but felt so out of place with the overall feel of the (imaginary) plot. It was, in truth, not a good match for this anime, and made the already bad content even more ridiculous.

     The characters are unusually flat and one-dimensional, and there is no character development present. That makes sense in a way, as there is nothing to get any development from.

     As strange as it is, I did enjoy this to an extent. Though the comedy was for the most of the time out of place and felt forced, some parts were enjoyable. But, to tell the truth, the true comedy was in the horrid art, the unrealistic characters, and the misplaced opening song.

    Vampire Holmes having such short episodes might be its biggest weakness, but I don't dare to imagine how it would have been if it did have standard-length episodes. All in all, not an anime I would recommend, unless bad anime is wanted.

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